Monday 7 January 2013

New Year, New Blog

Hello All

Welcome to my Blog, I am hoping for this to be a fairly regular in its updates. The point of Tortured Shadows is for just a way of showing off my hobby of wargaming, mainly in Warhammer 40,000 but I may dabble in other games. More specifically within the confines of New Zealand where I live.

So A bit about myself, I started with 40k way back in 2001. Didn't play much if not at all. But I liked the modelling and Painting side of things even though at the time I was horrendous at painting, got better of the course of 4 years then dropped out due to University. Picked up the hobby as a whole just before 5th ed came out, just playing with the Eldar that I had previously accumulated. I then switched gears entirely and played Fantasy for a couple of years. The last two years I have built and painted to a decent standard a Dark Eldar army of about 3500 points or so if not more.

My plan for my army building this year is to finish off my Dark Eldar, Build a Dark Angels army of some kind which I will work out once the Codex comes out, and to work on a 1500 point Heresy Era Night Lords army so I can compete/play in a Campaign weekend at the end of the year. All the while playing in tournaments of some kind or another right through the year.

I have goals for the tournaments that I am going to this year, I am more than likely taking Dark Eldar to all of them though that may change depending on how I go with building the Dark Angels.

I have thoughts about the Dark Eldar in 6th and I will probably start putting out a tactica of some sort on them sometime in February. I will also be putting up Tournament/Battle Reports as I go.

Cheers for reading my Rambling first post the next post should be more focused.
